OK, can you run fenderless on your bike?
Of course you can, this is a free country and you are free to do what you want to with your bike.
Is it recommended? No, unless you are putting a fork brace on to replace it.
Me, I like the old school look of it so it stays on and it does add structural rigidity to the forks. I don't want to hear some ricky racer come back to us after having a slapper throw him off his bike at the ton and blame us because people said it was ok to ditch the fender and brace. That is why people caution against it.
Well said.
I do what I do on here to help people and help keep them healthy and prosperous. If someone chooses to do something that can hurt them, surely they will do so without any, or in spite of, input from me. However, if someone would like to identify risks before trying something, I'll tell them what pitfalls I can identify, using my knowledge base. And, I will argue against someone who recommends nonchalantly that other people take unnecessary risks. I believe the later is reprehensible and irresponsible. Yes, people have survived jumping out a 5 story window. Ain't that "cool". But, that is NOT an excuse to recommend it for everyone else.
If people get hurt arguing from a position of uninformed opinion rather than knowledge, that is their own problem, imo. Good ideas/designs will withstand scrutiny and remain good despite inquiries. Bad ones will be exposed for what they are under scrutiny and inquiries. I've experienced both, and have had my knowledge base expanded for the effort. I kinda think that as a goal in life. He that learns the most before death, wins.
