I have never had the carbs off. I believe this may be beyond my technical ability. Honestly it scares me a bit. One step at a time. Just take your time.
Nothing to be scared about.
I would take them off and put in new float needles though.
Drain all of the float bowls into a pan first. by opening the drain bowl drain screw.
There is one on each carb. Just open the screw until it starts to drain No need to remove the screw.
If you do not have a manual you need to get one.
Put one zip tie from the carbs to the frame rails above, to support the carbs.
Remove air cleaner.
Remove the four float bowl drain lines from the bottom of the float bowls.
Undo the choke cable at the carb.
Undo the throttle cable at the carb.
loosen the four clamps that connect the carbs to the rubber boots.
Cut the two zip ties.
Wiggle the entire set of carbs up and downwards.
They will come off.
Let us know when that part is complete.