ill get flamed here,the float height isnt dead critical,,what happens inside the bowl of fuel when your accellerating or cornering or going up or down steep hills and rough roads,,its all over the place inside like a washing machine.
I'm not flaming or insisting that the bowl fuel level is
the problem. I will explain that the fuel must be lifted to the carb throat from the bowl, and the longer the lift the more force is needed to lift it. Further, the amount of force needed, relates to the volume of fuel that can be lifted.
This is why setting fuel level in the bowls has an optimum fuel metering.
I'd still like to see pics of the spark plugs after a plug chop during the exhibition of the problem. A lean mixture should show if fuel starvation is the fault.
It could also be fuel tap restriction. Or, fuel line restriction.
One way to tell, is to do a variation of the plug chop, only with the fuel valve. Get the machine to exhibit negative symptoms, turn off the fuel valve, then hit the kill switch, and pull in the clutch. Coast to a stop and pull off the fuel bowls to check fill level. If the fuel level is below the point where the pilot jet tube extends, you've found the problem and can chase down the source.
Which reminds me...
Some pilot jet aftermarket parts distribute a pilot jet physically shorter than what was stock length (28mm O.A.L., I think.)
The bowl fuel level could be low under high power demand situations, and that would surface as a fuel deficiency, even though such a small pilot orifice is providing little mixture augmentation.
The pilot jet tube inlet is normally positioned high in the fuel supply than the main jet. But, how high is significant.
If the fuel valve needle spring pins are stiffer than stock, the bowl fuel level will be low. If the pilot jet tube is shorter as well, you have a recipe for fuel starvation under high fuel flow demand situations.
Or, it could be that the the coils are not recharging fast enough to provide reliable spark. But, then I'd expect sputtering/engine misses near the transition point between running well and a power level plateau limitation. Spark gaps in high pressures under max load in the engine cylinder do require more spark voltage. Have the stock coils been tried?
Just an idea...