I like the looks of the strap ,it breaks up the monotony of ribbed the pattern.
Creates visual interest. Slows you eye down a bit.
Are you a copywriter, Lucky?
should I put the strap back?
Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't. It's a personal thing, you know, some people like straps, others prefer to go strapless. Have you considered a white strap to make your saddle like a two-tone buddyseat? Would be nice with whitewal tires and it certainly would break the monotony.
Should you put the strap back? I really dunno. I suppose it depends of the kind of person you are. Maybe you could inform us more about who you are and what other things you like and don't like.
should I put the strap back?
You know what? Why don't you try both and then decide what you like best. I know it's daring, but you'll be wiser and remember you can always remove it cq. put it on.
should I put the strap back?
To be honest... I couldn't care less.
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