The diaphragms can still be had but are expensive. Never had one go bad myself even on a bike that sat for 20 years. Check the carb mounting boots too. They are a hard rubber compound and both my XS's are in need of replacements due to age. The new ones come with a vacuum port that the older bikes did not have. Comes in handy for syncing but was originally for the vacuum operated petcocks that came with the later bikes. On another note on the 76 and older bikes the master cylinder rebuild kit is no longer available but a replacement MC is available from mikesXS for a reasonable amount if needed. I suppose with the pods you are missing the two airboxes? The stock airfilters are also very expensive so not a bad thing.
Augh, what, no MC rebuild kits?! That's not good... According to the service records the MC was rebuilt in '96 with only a couple thousand miles added since then. It's not leaking now but I'm sure that it would in short order if I started riding.
Yeah, the air boxes are missing. I'm kind of hoping the PO's brother might still have them. He's the one who installed the pods.
I'd like to restore it back to stock, but at least the pods aren't visible when the side covers are on. The air boxes seem to be the only thing missing or not stock on the bike.
Thanks for the info. I've been lurking over at the xs650 forum but it always takes some time to find things on a new forum.
Are there any other forums you think are worth checking?
Oh, wait, apparently the MC rebuild kits
are still available....for $80+ dollars!
No, wait, mikesxs has them for $14?, now I'm just taking to myself