Many years ago, when I'd only been riding for a short time, I was travelling a road that had a long sweeping curve that dipped down into a small valley then curved back up the other side. It was only about a 1/4 mile long and dipped down maybe 200 feet. As I started down one side of the sweeper, I noticed another biker already heading down the other side at a pretty good clip, as he reached the bottom he hit some gravel and went down at the apex of the curve. He went flat on his back and spread eagled and slid to a stop. I immediately pulled over but wasn't too worried since he wore full leathers and a full face helmet. From what I could see, he did everything right. So I was terribly surprised to find him dead as a doornail. Now I don't know if he just landed wrong, or had a heart attack while still upright, I never did hear what the answer was concerning this guy, but I decided then and there that all you can do is take the best precautions that you can and when your numbers are up, their up. Whether you're leaving it up to God, Fate or Karma when it's your turn, you're gone. I still wear the best safety equipment I can, there's no since pushing your luck. Frankly, if it's my time, I'd rather it happen while doing something I love than while walking down the street.