Is there beef between Seate and Carpy? I can't for the life of me figure out why he wouldn't be featured on the show or have a sidebar in the mag or something. I talked to Carpy once on the phone and I have nothing bad to say about the guy. He builds some beautiful bikes.
On a side note, I am kinda surprised that Benjie's hasn't had any mention in the show or magazine either. Maybe you have to advertise to get editorial? It shouldn't be that way but sometimes it is...
I dont know the story behind Mike and Carpy either.....but think there was a falling out between them somewhere. At one time Carpy had mention something to me about the show, being part of it and asking if i'd be interested in becoming involved.....and I never heard anymore.
I've talked about this before over on DTT....and how I think there are a few key players in this new Cafe Racer revival that should be recognized by the Cafe Racer show, which up to this point have had no mention at all. I remember in the late 90s, early 2000s with the coming of age of the internet.......there were only a couple guys on the internet with web pages dedicated to the cafe racers. Those being.....Carpy, Benjie and myself(Ohio Cafe Racers). These were the days before the discussion forums......and all 3 of us emailed and discussed our bikes and builds. With the arrival of Ebay.....tons of parts were easy to get and we all started expanding our builds and experimenting with the old bikes. Once the forums took off........things went thru the roof. Seemed like overnight the cafe racers were gettting more and more popular. I can remember talking to avid motorcyclist about my cafes and 90% had no clue what a cafe racers was. Now.......pull into any bike night, you are bound to see a cafe racer and most everone knows what it is.
There is a reason this new explosion in cafe racers has happened and maybe showcasing those who helped bring it back to the mainstream motorcycling public would be nice. I dont know if i'd be interested in being involved in the show......or if Carpy or Benji would either for that matter. But both Carpy and Benji have done some dam nice work with cafe racers......and I dont think my stuff is too bad either(insert biased opinion

). They were regular guys.......taking old worn out vintage bikes....that no one wanted.....tearing them apart/building them in small garages......into completely new and beautiful machines. That really needs to be showcased, maybe not on Mike Seates show......but somehow.