So, how long before you decide? Just wandering.
After much review of my current financial standings, it comes to be that I should hold off on buying ANYTHING till next season

Not that I
CAN'T afford another bike, but my credit cards and what little outstanding debt I have would rather me not purchase another high ticket item at the momment.

I still plan to go testride that Buell XB12Ssg Today at lunch, to atleast see if I even like the way he bike rides.This will also give me some more time to make my decision about which bike I want to buy
(even though I am pretty much 95% sold on the Buell)..
More importantly I'm glad to read you are keeping the CB, I have enjoyed seeing it's progression, you just about changed my cafe into a bobber.
Thanks 4 the kind words on my CB. I have put way 2 much time and effort into it to just sell it off to some punk kid on Ebay, for him to destroy. I should have it back in a week or so, and plan to ride the tires offa it for the rest of the season. It will be nice now becasue I will actually be able to stop the thing (dual-disc/new lines), will not have 2 worry about a blowout (2 new tires), and the front-end will stay together (new everything). As far as making your CB a bobber, wait till you see what I have planned for the exhaust once I get it back