This is good and yet not so good news.
My wife and I have been living apart since late 2008 due to jobs in my industry (building controls, mostly new construction) moving out of Calif. We figured it wouldn't take her more than a year to find a job in Las Vegas (software support) which is were I was. Well now, I've been working in St. Robert Missouri for the last 9 months due to work drying up in Vegas. I do fly back to Calif twice a month to see my wife and kids (6-yours, mine and ours) company paid but now it's time to move to Missouri.
They love me out there on the Controls-Upgrade / Facility Wide Systems Integration Project and there will be much more work coming along, and there is NO xwork in California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregan......
I am still paying rent on a house is Vegas that I've been to ONCE in the last 9 months and MY BIKES ARE THERE! I wonder if I've forgotten how to ride???
The last of two roommates in Vegas is moving out June 6th and there will be no one to take care of my's time to get out.
So I start hauling dogs and bikes June 8th to my sister-in-laws place in the Missouri Ozarks. She has 25 achres with a house that we will rent and then maybe assume payments of. And then the company pays (maybe) to move everything else latter that month?
The not so good news and further unknows.
Can my wife find a job out there in a decent amount of time?
Once this project is complete, end of September, and I move on to other projects in Central Missouri, I won't be taking those twice a month flights back to Calif and the thought of not seeing my 4 boys is twisting me up inside. But if I don't, they and their mom won't get the child support they need and my wife and I won't get out of debt (taxes mainly).
So, who's out in the Ozarks that I could meet up for a ride with?