eastyork, welcome to the forum. Have a look around and learn a bit before you start giving advice. The 550 never came with an accelerator pump, K or F. THats why im looking at modifying one. Changing out the engine to an F model? ITs the same engine as the K.
Get oversized jets? Do you even know what an accelerator pump is or does? Tag along and learn something.
So, moving on. THe 750 and 550 carbs have the same body and could even be racked side by side if it were not for the throat diameters. Top bar and choke bar all line up.
To add the accelerator pump you need the linkage that pushes on the accelerator rod. seen here on the 750 carb.Its the thing that mounts in that small hole, right center of the picture.
It mounts to a hole. Same hole same spot on seen here on the 550 carb.
That is connected to the pull cable track which has some extra pieces. But I measured them both and they are the same width and the shaft is the same diameter so you can just swap the 750 pull cable track onto the 550.
750 on top
the 750 an550 have all the same holes. 550s just have not been drilled all the way. THe extra hole on the 550 carb on the top right is the hole for the accelerator pump shaft since this is carb #2
The tube that runs horizontal. this is the 750 #4 carb so it is a dead end.
550 not drilled out
750 this is where the little spray tube goes in and then a plug close off the hole.
This is the same hole on the 550. It alread is drilled out to fit the plug and just needs to be drilled further to push the spray tube in.
I have a set of Extra 550PD carbs on the way i think i will try this on. I do need the bowl from #2 on a 750 or 650 is anybody has one.