Author Topic: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28  (Read 1517 times)

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Offline lostmykeys

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 Sorry just curious and would like to know.

Offline Deltarider

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 11:09:02 PM »
Theoretically at 0,28 voltage will be a little bit higher and there's a slightly higher chance of misfires when under load. At 0,24 there's a little bit lower voltage but a little bit longer spark duration. But if you would notice it? in a healthy ignition system I'd say it's well...  academic. Others may chime in with test data.
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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 11:10:15 PM »
That would depend on the strength of the spark generated by your entire ignition system
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Offline chewbacca5000

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 06:18:24 AM »
From what I have read it won't make that much of a difference in real terms.  You are better off leaving at stock spec unless you have some super ignition system.  I played around with an HEI ignition which uses gm coils and Pinhead opens his gaps to the moon!  Not recommended on stock just misfires and other issues.

Others will tell you more spark will not translate into more power unless you have a supped up fire breathing monster of an engine $$$.  My current preference is well tuned stock engines with cheap performance boost.  When I say cheap I mean being able to rebuild a stock top end for under $500 including machining.

Offline lostmykeys

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2012, 10:19:59 AM »
 my plugs are gapped to .28 the bike is all stock.
 Im just wondering if I regap to .24 if it will help with a slight pinging issue.

Offline chewbacca5000

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2012, 10:25:06 AM »
my plugs are gapped to .28 the bike is all stock.
 Im just wondering if I regap to .24 if it will help with a slight pinging issue.

Not sure it would help.  I would check your advance with a timming light to see where you are at before making changes.  You may be too advanced or may need higher octane fuel.

Offline Deltarider

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2012, 10:25:52 AM »
Pinging only occurs with too low octane gaz or pre-ignition. US gaz is of the poorest quality I've experienced, close to what we had in Africa. On our trip we could even tell the difference between Canadian and US gaz. Sparkplug gap has nothing to do with it. Are you sure it's pinging? Ís there a lot of carbon deposits in the combustionchambers?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 10:28:47 AM by Deltarider »
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Offline lucky

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2012, 10:33:15 AM »
my plugs are gapped to .28 the bike is all stock.
 Im just wondering if I regap to .24 if it will help with a slight pinging issue.

No  it will not help with pinging.

The closer the gap, the easier the spark can jump.

Don't you have other things you could be doing?

Offline lostmykeys

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Re: What would be the noticable differences in plug gap from .24 to.28
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2012, 08:34:21 AM »
Lucky, I dont know.
 Would it be possible the air screws could fix this mine are at the factory setting of 1.75 right now.
The bike only does this pinging after its been ridden rof a while.It may be that Im just used to bigger bikes with way more torque.I havent owned a 750 since the mid 80s.I dont want to take my wife for ride on this bike because the extra laod would make it ping more.