Look at the float needle tips. If steel, they should be nice and conical with no steps.
They "marry" to their respective seat, and don't like swapping about among other seats.
Make sure your fuel supply is clean and have no particles to get between needle and seat.
Check to see if the leak occurs when parked on the center stand.
Make certain there is no swing resistance when the floats are moved to either sideways position, and slide easily against the pin posts.
If the float pin conical tip look okay. You can "lap" the pins to their respective seats with a little lapping compound.
Always turn off the fuel tap when parked, anyway. Crud happens.
For the carbs found on the 75 CB550, the seat has an o ring to seal it to the carb body. If it loses seal, the carb will overflow, even if the float valve needle and seat are perfect.
Check the carb bowl stand pipe for cracks.