Really confusing!!!!!!
Here is the quote from HondaMan's article on the forum "More on Cam Timing"
"Stock timing (we’ll use ony intake numbers for simplicity) is: valve opens (.1mm lift) at 5 degress BTDC, closes at 35 degrees ATDC. This is the “sweet spot” for the system.
Now, let’s move the whole cam forward 5 degrees Is this advancing? to open at 10 degrees BTDC, close at 30 BTDC This Must be a Typo, must mean ATDC? . The early torque now comes to a peak at about 25% of redline, and there is more torque than before. But, the HP peak is also moved earlier, to about 75% of redline, but there is LESS HP than before. The engine is a little harder to start, idles a little less steadily. In the CB750K2, this drops about 3 HP at 6800 RPM as compared to the previous peak at about 7600 RPM.
Now, let’s move the cam back 5 degrees Is this retarding? to open at 0 degrees TDC and close at 40 degrees BTDC Is that a typo again, should be ATDC? (like the CB750 “F” and K7-K8 camsI thought the "F" was advanced 5-degrees from stock , like 10-degrees BTDC? ). The engine idles better, and the torque peak comes on at about 40% of redline. The HP peak comes on at about 85% of redline, and there is MORE HP than before, by a little over 4 HP. The overall “feeling” is of increased power, because the power peaks are closer together with less “droop” in between the peaks.