Maybe sit back and have another beer, go outside and catch a smoke. Just don't get frustrated yet. The wind blows that oil everywhere so look for the simplest explanation first. I've tried the foot power spray and it worked but the engine has to be really really clean of oil before you put it on. I'm not sure if you really need to ride it to show up though. The wind will blow it around but it's oil pressure that puts it out there. I think that just the running and revving that you'll do while trying to work through the other problems will pump some oil out for you to see. I don't know about the "pucks" on the 550 but the 400f's leak spot is the rubber "doughnuts" that seal the oil passage around the head stud. There you need to pull the head so it may not be such a big problem for you with these pucks. I agree with you in wondering why it's started up now. I would expect that you would have seen a slight seepage first, not enough to drip yet. Might want to spray up the tach drive seal to just to be sure you didn't miss something there. Hey, at least it's not pouring out of the bottom of the engine... constantly... like something British.
the man with no signature