Author Topic: T shirt idea for the forum and its members projects  (Read 639 times)

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Offline FrankenFrankenstuff

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T shirt idea for the forum and its members projects
« on: June 08, 2012, 07:10:09 AM »
So I want to get some shirts made up with my logo and website addy. Then I thought it would be cool to have the forum logo on the chest. (only with blessings of course) Glenn?

THEN I about everyone that has a website or shop that contributes to this site can have their addy or logo on the back. We could all absorb the cost, get some cool custom shirts made, donate a % back to the forum and be able to pick eachother out at bike shows.

Any thoughts or concerns?

Offline johnsy

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Re: T shirt idea for the forum and its members projects
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2012, 03:25:44 PM »
So I want to get some shirts made up with my logo and website addy. Then I thought it would be cool to have the forum logo on the chest. (only with blessings of course) Glenn?

THEN I about everyone that has a website or shop that contributes to this site can have their addy or logo on the back. We could all absorb the cost, get some cool custom shirts made, donate a % back to the forum and be able to pick eachother out at bike shows.

Let me know if this gains any steam...its what I do.
links to my FB and shop page thoughts or concerns?
1-daily driver, 2007 CBR 600rr
current project, cb550 four
75 360T

Offline bikerbart

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Re: T shirt idea for the forum and its members projects
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 10:43:42 AM »
I am concerned with my thoughts.Good idea,do you have a design already?I have a couple of sketches ,maybe more than one design?
its better to regret something you have done,than something you havent.Except playing with explosives.