Author Topic: Dream 50 -> CB125T!  (Read 12955 times)

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Offline Nakazoto

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Re: Dream 50 -> CB125T!
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2012, 03:24:34 PM »
Alright, so while waiting for bondo to harden on my Bellett, I did some minor work on the CB!

First, I received a package in the mail.  Inside were these beautifully made clip ons!

And here they are clipped on!

I'm not sure I like them so high up, but they're just mounted there temporarily.  Once I can roll it outside and really get a feel for where they sit, I'll adjust them further.

Next the exhaust saga begins!  You can see in the background of two of the pics above a nice scrambler exhaust leaning against the wall.  I bought this with the intention of modifying it to fit and having this cool scrambler exhaust.  Well, it was just different enough that it would take a lot of cutting and welding to fit.  I figured that if I was going to be cutting and welding, I should just use the factory pipes, since they're already going to be scrapped and are the perfect size.  So, I busted out my cut off wheel and grinder and got to cutting.  I was shocked to find out that the exhaust was double walled (as was my cut off wheel which didn't last for very many cuts).  This nasty brown (read: rusty) pipe was inside of the larger silver piping.

The exhaust would flow through this smaller piping instead and the larger pipe was just for looks.  Also, and this was the really shocking bit, the smaller pipe was crimped in the center blocking flow almost completely.

Exhaust was supposed to flow through this!  It's about the same collective size as a drinking straw.  I'm not really sure what purpose this would serve other than to officially neuter the performance of the engine.

After throwing all that piping away, I was left with a nice collection of curves and straights.

Now, I was trying to think what kind of exhaust to go with.  I had my heart set on a scrambler exhaust for two reasons really.  The first being that with the shift linkage and new peg locations, there's not a whole lot of room on the bottom half of the bike anymore.  If I were to run an exhaust that way, it would have to be a two into one and tuck right under the brake lever.  The second reason was that I think scrambler exhausts are just damn cool!  So, with a little bit of planning and grinder work, I got started on making a completely custom scrambler exhaust.

The curves won't be perfectly smooth and the entire exhaust will most likely be a little turbulent, but when compared to the pea shooter of an exhaust before, it should flow immensely better.  Also, not really going for an all out screamer here, just something that tucks up and hides nicely.

I am liable in the future to rip all this out and start again, but for now, I'll continue down this path and see what kind of craziness I can come up with!  That's as far as I've come so far though.

Thanks for reading guys!


Offline Nakazoto

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Re: Dream 50 -> CB125T!
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2012, 02:53:19 PM »
A bite sized update this morning!  I got another two pieces welded on to the exhaust.

It's slowly starting to take shape and really go the way I want it to.

It actually took a bit of work for these two pieces.  I welded them on and just hated how it was turning out.  So I sliced them right back off, cleaned it all up again and took another shot at it.  I'm glad I did because I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Next up is continuing these two pieces around the side and then figuring out how to build a collector from scratch.  Fortunately, it only has to collect two pipes, so it shouldn't be too hard!


Offline Franky

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Re: Dream 50 -> CB125T!
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2013, 10:19:57 PM »
Man, I just stumbled across this thread... I can't believe you have a Dream 50, that you just 'picked it up' AND that you're in the process of tearing it apart :-) Sorta breaks my heart, but then again, your project looks like it's a lot of fun! I love those cool little bikes.

Let's see what has happened in the past months...
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Offline grcamna2

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Re: Dream 50 -> CB125T!
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2013, 04:07:34 PM »
+1 I liked the Dream 50 when you first got it. Stock  :)
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
  I love the small ones too !
Do your BEST...nobody can take that away from you.

Offline thrutheframe

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Re: Dream 50 -> CB125T!
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2013, 09:46:53 AM »
Man, I just stumbled across this thread... I can't believe you have a Dream 50, that you just 'picked it up' AND that you're in the process of tearing it apart :-) Sorta breaks my heart, but then again, your project looks like it's a lot of fun! I love those cool little bikes.

Let's see what has happened in the past months...

yeah, I get the whole importation thing but....

I'm sad over the death of your Dream 50.

Your fab work is nice.

I'm interested to see how this turns out.

Good luck.
'74 cb 750 K4
'79 CB 650
'75 CB 360T
'90 RC31 Hawk GT