I did not buy the bike the motor was taken apart as far as possible, it was a mess. I did buy a !973 CB450 for 150.00 yesterday, it's not in to bad of shape. Today I went to look at some parts that were on craigslist. The young girl was unsure of what she had, it was listed as a CB 450 but it turned out to be a CL 450. I looked everything over for a while. I did think that a 1972 CL came with lever operated breaks so I ask if they were original she had no clue. To make a long story short she wanted 400.00 for it, I offered her 150.00 and she took it. What''s funny some guy told her he would give here 10.00 WTF. I mocked the bike up so I could take pictures to get a title.
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