I finally got around to putting my pics in the gallery here:
http://www.sohc4.us/gallery/v/members/meets/Northern+California+SOHC4+Meet+and+Greet+2006/Ncal++Greet/I had a great time and was happy to meet all these great people, including Glenn who I've had internet communication with since '94, but never met in person. Glad I persevered through 15-20 miles of lane splitting Friday Rush hour(s) traffic to attend. 43 miles in one hour, thirty minutes to get there, 45 minutes to get home after the rush hour(s) traffic was over.
All the bikes there were very good examples and clearly well taken care of. But, I had the most unique SOHC4 there... a CB550F in a sea of CB750s, ha ha! Who knew a Cb550 stocker could still be useful and fun 29 years after creation!
Looking forward to the next meet or better yet, a ride outing! Any interest?