SoCal, you've got something similar to an oil thread going here. Some people on here don't read the whole thread, or even the original post before chiming in... Repeatedly... At great length.
I think the point is that if you want to learn to weld, a cheapish 120v MIG welder from a big box store like Lowe's or Home Depot will do fine. You probably don't want an off-brand super cheap one, lest quality problems detract from functionality. Something like fixing a chair or bar stool, with thin metal, a little MIG would be suitable. Welding together scrap metal for the sake of learning a skill or creating art, no problem. These bigger, heavier, 240v welders are something you might consider after you learn a bit, but even high school kids in metal shop learn on MIG before moving on to brazing or stick welding, let alone TIG.