After thinking my front brake was making noise due to the pads rubbing I've come to realize it's the caliper not retracting the pad away from the disc, any suggestions?
Using the Google search will get you tons of answers, but here are some things to check:
1. If your piston is not retracting, the first thing to suspect is the little return port in the Master cylinder. One way to see if it's clogged is to apply the brake, then release the lever and open the bleeder on the caliper. If you get a stream of fluid, it's clogged. That hole measures ~ .017" - .018", so it'll take something tiny to open it up.
2. Pull the outer caliper (caliper "A"), then remove the piston and rubber seal. Thoroughly clean the seal slot with a metal pic or other instrument. Don't forget the groove running down the center of the slot. The slot must be free of any debris. Re-install the seal, then coat the piston with Dow - Corning high vacuum silicone grease and install it into the cylinder until it stops.
3. Coat the sides and backs of the pad "pucks" with hi-temp grease per Honda's instructions (see the Honda Shop manual), and, yes; it's important to coat the backs of the pads for several different reasons. Just don't get any grease on the braking surface.
4. Set the inner pad (caliper "B") to a gap of .006" from the rotor, then bleed the brakes per Two Tired's description in the FAQ
All of this info is available using the Google search.
And get a copy of the Honda manual. That will save you a lot of grief.