A friend of mine in Miami is a photojournalist who runs a blog called Photography Is Not A Crime. He posted this story because the cop in this case was much worse than the hooligan biker. He violated the Law and the bikers Constitutional rights. A cop may NOT seize your property...i.e. your camera, unless it was USED in a crime. Just recording a crime IS NOT sufficient reason to have your property stolen. I'm an amateur photographer and there are just too many cases like this where cops think they can seize the camera, or even delete the footage. THEY CANNOT, as court case after court case after court case has proven. It's time citizens know which is the worse criminal, hint... it's not the guys who are acting stupid on bikes and possibly making a few moving violations.
Sorry, I have strong opinions on this subject. Many of my friends have been arrested, falsely, and have ALWAYS come out of court on top, but not before their rights were trampled. The journalist I mentioned, one of his arrests was for resisting arrest! That's right, NO underlying charge at all! He won that one.
You can find plenty of information on cops behaving badly on his site, and others like CopWatch. (no I don't think all cops are bad, but the ones that are....whoo boy, do they go over the top!)