Back with more questions

Ok, for sure, my clutch is toast. My slipper plate was missing a few teeth on one side and ALL of the friction surface on the other side. Just as my luck would have it,the side with no friction material left is the side riding on the aluminum surface of the pressure plate. I could be calling the pressure plate by the wrong name. I really dont know the names of all the parts yet.
SANY0065 by
Shiny Ribs, on Flickr
SANY0071 by
Shiny Ribs, on Flickr
I tired to get pics of the aluminum surfaces where the friction discs ride.The inner piece has very minute-zero wear on it.Yay! The outer piece (where the friction material SHOULD have been have some Score marks. Nothing severe and only limited to a few very small areas. Can I just dress this area with a veri fine file or something like that?
SANY0064 by
Shiny Ribs, on Flickr
SANY0068 by
Shiny Ribs, on Flickr
The clutch springs I pulled out measured 1.271"
The replacement springs I bought measure 1.382"-1.386"
The FSM says my clutch spring free length should be 1.2575"
and the serviceable limit is 1.201"
Apparently all the springs I have are too long.
My friction plates measured 0.138"
FSM calls for 0.1347 - 0.1409" with serviceable limit of 0.122"
So my frictions discs are measuring almost full standard. Are they swollen? I measured a few feeler gauges with my dial calipers and it is measuring spot on,so no worries there. But my discs are really dark. Maybe they should be,I dont know.This is the first clutch I've ever had apart.Oh,the bike has a 42,000 miles on it
Obviously,I need a new slipper plate.Or should I just replace it with a standard friction disc?
Also,are the friction surfaces supposed to ride on the aluminum surfaces? Seems to me there should be a steel plate there
Are my clutch plates stacked wrong?
I know this is alot of questions,but my scooter is down and I just wanna ride

Help! I need direction!
Confession time: This clutch was working perfectly fine right up until I started dropping the clutch to do wheelies. So,should I just consider this stripped slipper plate a result of my actions,replace that one part,put it back together and keep rocking? Or should I address the spring issue? Any and all comments please. You cant hurt my feelings

P.S.- Hondaman,the riveted plate you told me about is not in this clutch. Should it be?