I know from personal experience the #42 idle jet will fix the problem. I tried a #40 and it still did not work good enough.
...And, I STILL don't believe your accelerator pump was working as it should. ...And you "fixed" the wrong thing as a band aid, without observing the true negative effects.
I don't understand why you wish to propagate this mistake to others. But, if they don't care, all I can do is point out the obvious.
TWO TIRED ....I am trying to not get into a personal dialogue with you.
I just write my ideas, and I listen to yours.
Let our personal experiences guide us.
You never want to change idle jets.
I will change idle jets if it gets good results.
That is where we do not agree.
I did do EVERYTHING correctly to my carbs and accelerator pump system.
I even bought a brand NEW accelerator pump bottom plate complete.
I put in the restrictor tubes when I found out about them.
I spent lots of money on my 1978 carbs. I still do not like them.
IF I had the money, I would by the CR carbs. End of story.
Right now I have the poor mans version of
CR's the 1969 carbs.