Author Topic: 350F 552 flasher  (Read 1837 times)

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Offline Ernest

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350F 552 flasher
« on: June 19, 2006, 05:58:55 AM »
I can only get the right side F/B to blink.  I've got a 552 flasher, grey and black hooked up with green left hanging.
According to a wiring diagram the one flasher controls both sides so I'm not sure where to look to solve the problem.

One side works, will a new flasher fix it?

I've switched the bulbs and that doesn't help.

One note:  The PO lost the keys and is still looking for them.  I just created a jumper switch from ground to the red ignition ON wire to turn it on.  Does this create a short to the left side bulbs?  I'll get a new ignition but I was just waiting for the PO to find the keys.


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Re: 350F 552 flasher
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2006, 06:26:25 AM »
One note:  The PO lost the keys and is still looking for them.  I just created a jumper switch from ground to the red ignition ON wire to turn it on.  Does this create a short to the left side bulbs?  I'll get a new ignition but I was just waiting for the PO to find the keys.

  I am not sure about the flasher, but instead of buying a new ignition, you should be able to take the original into a locksmith and get new keys made.  The '78 550 I recently bought did not have any keys either.  Just took the ignition in and had a new set of keys in bout 15 minutes for all of $12.00.

  Just a side note,  The locksmith looked up the ignition code on his computer, cut a key and it would not fit.  Pulled out his trusty 1980 key book, called it his key bible, and it listed a completely different key code.  Cut that key and it worked like a charm.  The locksmith, who was in his late seventies, said, "Never trust those damn computers, should have used the book in the first place."

Good luck with the flasher though.

Offline Tim.

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Re: 350F 552 flasher
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2006, 08:12:36 AM »
For the key, go to your Honda motorcycle dealer.  They can cut keys from the number on the ignition switch.  I've had it done.
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Offline keiths

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Re: 350F 552 flasher
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2006, 06:51:14 PM »
Your wiring sounds right for your flasher. Try cleaning all your connections including the bulb bases and all grounds.

Offline 750goes

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Re: 350F 552 flasher
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2006, 04:25:13 AM »
That green bit hanging is probably your EARTH WIRE, test it for power first with the ignition on. If no power in it then ground that sucker  on the frame somewhere, then try your blinker...if it works now, find a permanent home for that little green bugger.

I just learned this lesson many times over the last two weeks... ground everything, and make sure it is a good clean contact.. I think this will solve a lot of your problem..


Offline Ernest

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Re: 350F 552 flasher
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2006, 05:59:54 AM »
Thanks, I'll see if that green wire is able to be grounded.  I thought I read it was cool to hang there, it was added in the harness if you wanted to run a three prong flasher?  There probably is a bad ground somewhere in there I just need to find.

The ignition though I don't think is stock.  I'm not sure where they originally located it but now it is mounted off the trees and the seat key I found under the seat doesn't fit in it, unlike my 750 which works both for seat and ignition.