Been wanting to do this for a while now and I'm finally diving in! I was at a swap meet over the weekend getting rid of a bunch of old stuff and there was a guy near us w/ an old chopped out 550 on a trailer. My friend, Joe, who I was sharing the booth space w/ has been wanting to "step up" from his cb400f and we'd looked at it a few times but weren't really serious about buying that pile of stink. At the end of the day it was still there, I'd had a few beers (he was driving, it was hot out, things happen), and I volunteered that although it was pretty funky w/ unknown miles I thought it could be pretty cool and I've always wanted to do a full build on a bike. $300 changed hands and here it sits.

Three hours later -

and just messing around -

I'm about to complete the dis-assembly today and then head out to the powdercoaters.
1. Any thoughts on powder vs. paint in specific applications - i.e. rims, frame,crowns, etc.
2. Front end is very incomplete, All Balls lists many "compatible" forks, I'd love to swap a complete dual disc front end on if I can find something, anyone done this and could make a recommendation on what to start shopping for?
3. We're planning on having the engine "refreshed" at O'Hanlons in SF but cosmetically, what works for painting an intact engine?