OK, we have good news!

First, found a second pin hole underneath the left tank emblem mount

So then, washed the tank out with degreaser and water a few times then left it to bake in the sun. Held a propane torch over the cap hole and had a few small bursts of flames. Got to the point where I could put the propane flame in the tank and nothing would happen. Then washed it out again and dried it in the sun. Cant find a place in Burlington on a Sunday that sells dry ice, not a single grocery store!
I then using a propane torch, soldering iron, and 50/50 solder with flux I soldered the pin holes closed. So far Im pretty happy with my first attempt. I left the solder on the bottom fairly thick, not knowing how thin the surrounding area was. But I got to say, not too hard to do. If I had to redo It I would probably be less timid about using too much heat. Also, it did a number on the paint.

As a secondary precaution I covered the soldered areas with a 2 part epoxy gas tank pin hole patch. It was 4 bucks and figured it was worth the added benefits.
Thank you to all that helped, hopefully Ill be riding in a few days. Right now the tank is sitting in 8 bucks of Evaporust to remove the flash rust.