I purchased a new throttle cable from Z1 enterprises . It is the stock 1 to 4 cable setup. I didn't adjust anything else and when I started the bike its idle was pegged at 3,000 rpm. I checked all the cables to make sure they were free moving , turned idle screws all the way out , and re started with the same problem. Do you think that the carbs need to be re synced due to the new cable? It idled and ran perfect with the old cable I wouldn't think there would be so much of a difference between cables. Is there something I am missing?
You have the good carbs.
That 4 into 1 cable arrangement is slightly different than the carbs with the lifter arms and shafts etc.,. With the lifter arm arrangement the idle turns up the idle on ALL FOUR CARBS at once.
Make sure the 4 into 1 box (tube thing) is well lubricated before putting it on the bike.
Install the cable so that the 4 into 1 box is centered over the top of the engine.
Do not cable tie it at all. It will cause big problems.
Make sure that all 4 slides are all the way bottomed out.
Look in the intakes.
Turn the adjusters on the top of each carb out untll the cable has no slack on all 4 carbs. Make sure the two long cables are on the outside carbs and the two short cables are on the inside carbs. You knew that right.
Then look at the idle screws. Each one has a letter
T on it on the shaft.
Make sure that letter
T is lined up with the mark on the carb body.
But more important make sure the idle screw is NOT lifting up the slide.
There is a photo in the Clymer's manual . The top of the letter
Tshould be very close to the carb body,but in sight when looking down.
Then feel the throttle and id there is any slack in it take it out with the adjuster near the throttle grip.
Next turn the throttle very slowly and feeling the slide with your fingers make sure that as soon as the throttle starts to turn that the slide starts to lift up.
Do the inside carbs first. Get all 4 like that so that when you turn the throttle and let go you hear it snap closed with ONE CLICK not several clicks . Several clicks would mean the slides are all closing at different times.
Once that is done and works right you can move on.
Now start the motorcycle and get it warmed up with a fan blowing on it.
Turn each idle screw the same amount Just start with one outside carb and once it idles just make all the other idle screws the same amount.
NOW you can sync the carbs.
Turn the engine off and let it cool down. It is easier to have a cold engine to install the sync tubes. Then start it up and get all 4 carbs to be the same. DO NOT touch the idle screws.
USe the adjusters on the top of the carbs to get the sync gauges to be the same.
Now you are done.
You amy have to go back now and adjust the idle screws on some of the carbs. just watch your tach and turn each idle screw until yo see the idle go up a little and then back it off. Then you will know there is no slack in the throttle cable and the slide is touching the idle screw when the slide is bottomed out.
You will finally understand that on these carbs when you adjust the idle screw it is actually raising and lowering the slide a few thousandths and is actually SY"nc''ing the carbs.
The reason you adjust the cable adjusters on top of the cabs is to make sure there is no slack on any of the 4 cables to the 4 into 1 box.
Remember do not put cable ties on this cable that are tight on the cable! You can put them on loose to restrain the cable a little, but thats all.
Also make sure that the 4 cables from the carbs are pushed all the way into the round aluminum tube.
CLICK on the photo to enlarge it.