Also, as for the top half of the carbs--the slides and needles--I would not recommend replacing the needles with aftermarket ones unless it is necessary--many of the aftermarket needles have different tapers than the honda needles, which will affect your fuel delivery. You will, however, want to inspect them, but it is really a pain in the ass on these carbs. Working from memory, you first take off the cap held on by two screws. Make sure your either save or replace the gasket. Then you'll see a shaft with a bolt in it a little off center with a lock tab. Carefully flatten the tab with a tiny flathead screwdriver or needlenose pliers, and take off that bolt. That will enable you gently to lift up the slide (with the help of a screwdriver or similar tool) to access a second, smaller bolt, also guarded by a lock tab. Again, flatten the tab and undo the bolt. At this point, you'll find that the slide can be removed by putting some downward pressure on it while lifting the arm up and to the side a bit. Be careful here because there are some tiny little "shunts" (don't know what else to call these little rods with concave ends) which are spring loaded and hold the arm within the slide.
Once you separate the slide from the throttle arm, you can pull it straight out. Now take a look at the needle. If you need to take it out, you will need to get a small screwdriver to remove two tiny screws inside the slide that hold the needle in place. I would recommend hitting these with a little PB blaster and letting it soak a few minutes, as they can be hard to remove at first, and the heads are SUPER soft and easy to strip.
Reassemble in reverse order, and take care not to loose those tiny bits inside the thingy that attaches to the other thingy (I'm writing this out by memory, so give me a break!)