Now that things are starting to get serious the old self doubt is creeping in.
The part I'm having second thoughts about is the cam. ( remember this is 750cc)
I have a RC 315 , a Mega 125/75 and have been talking about a local Tighe cam and a Kenny H F.
My original selection of running the 125 / 75 was based on my software printout which clearly showed the 125 /75 was the best cam to 9,000 RPM ( as per above graph) with the best torque curve.
Putting it simply the more duration fed into the 750 specs the more HP at Higher RPM
On the bottom of a couple of graphs I wrote the cams and duration in order with the RC 315 having the most HP at !0,500 but an absolute horror dip in the HP and Torque curves below 9,000 RPM. as opposed to the least HP but the flattest HP and torque curve of the 125/75. My dilema is as its an all or nothing world and a long time between drinks on the salt doI play safe and run the 125/75 or roll the dice and run the higher RPM and HP of the RC 315.
I think the risk is my inexperience on the salt with gearing and traction, it is likely I wont get it spot on and in that case the conservative 125/75 will get me a better speed than the RC 315 which would need the gearing to be absolutely spot on of it will return a slower speed if evan slightly off the pace.
Bloody dilemma
I wish someone else had run a 750 on the salt and could give some good sprocket size advice. At this stage I am using the 750 gear ration spreadsheet on our forum to set it up for 155 MPH at 10,500 rpm with 10% tire slip ...........see , lots of guess work
What do you reckon boys, a nice speed to feel good about or all or nothing //////