Heureka! I know why now!
I got new plates and saw a huge difference compared with my earlier clutch friction plates. I'm disappointed with myself that I did not see that almost 30 years ago when I replaced the clutch first time, bought a cheap Heavy Duty version with one extra plate. (extra metal plate too). The plates I have got before were all looking the same.
The latest plates now have one that has bigger tabs (wider) than the other and look different that I have read about in this forum. I have not however, seen anything about the tabs.
My clutch basket MUST have the wider tabs when the outer part has bigger distances for the tabs. The old plates had a lash of appr 2mm in the outer position in the basket, it must be why the outer plate broke. Both my kits got the outer plate broken, one tab off. Small nasty metal parts floating around in the engine, not that nice that can cost $$$.
Here a photo where this is visible, the outer plate with wider tabs and the other that match the basket very well this time. Halleluja!