Author Topic: Carb 2T question  (Read 509 times)

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Offline davidstipek

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Carb 2T question
« on: July 10, 2012, 11:40:13 PM »
I read in the Carburator Manual that the Main Nozzel is Specific for 4T and 2T applications.  That the side of Nozzel is DRILLED on 4T (4 Cycle) and to be sure on a 2T (2 Cycle) that it is not.

My problem seems to be that in trying to locate the correct Nozzle for a 2T application.  It seems all the rebuild kits lean towards the 4T application.

Bike is a Yamaha, either Y80M, Y100S, Mate111S..... I have checked all the kits for Yamaha Belle's and Mate's
they all have the same issue.  Mikuni Carburators

also if I have a 95 jet for this Mikuni Carb, what would be 4 sizes larger, 6 sizes...?

Thanks for the help, in advance
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