Author Topic: '78 CB750K - Giving K8 a makeover  (Read 11220 times)

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Offline marsvar

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Re: '78 CB750K - Giving K8 a makeover
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2014, 12:40:38 PM »
I've continued the tear-down today with:

Removed the exhaust. Checked the pipes, and there are no major damage. Some spots where theres nicks and bumps, but no holes or bad rust.

Rear wheel
Looks decent, just needs some love. PO has spraypainted the rims without masking off the spokes. Gotta try to fix it without pulling them apart. Don't want to true and balance them when they are fine now.

Rear shocks
Left shock upper bolt was barely tightened, used my hand to unscrew it. Right shock was broken at the bottom mount. Its a good thing I ordered some new ones on eBay the other day. I've ridden the bike a few times before I started to tear it down, and I now get why the handling has been strange at times.

They can be reused

My phone ran out of battery before I managed to take pictures. Next time, brakes and rear swingarm.

I'm kinda nervous about disconnecting the brake line as I've read that if it is completely drained it can be a pain in the ass (getting air out of it). But, since I'm replacing MC and changing to single SS line, do I really need to take precautions?

The other thing I've been putting off is disconnecting oil tank, as it is full and I'm trying to think of the best way without spilling too much.

There's also some cables going into the engine that needs to be replaced. I'll take some pictures when I can, because I'm not sure where they all go, and they need to be replaced.

Offline marsvar

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Re: '78 CB750K - Giving K8 a makeover
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2014, 01:36:50 PM »
Two days in a row with work on the bike. Trying to add pictures, but it fails.

Yesterday I worked on the bike only for about 30 mins with planning for tonight in mind. Removed some minor stuff as well as the MC (finally).

Today I started with taking off the rear swing arm, which I believe might be a non-stock kind. The bronze bearings I've ordered do not fit AT ALL. They've got the same inside diameter as the swing arms. I was expecting rubber bearings. Not sure what to do about it. Order new swing arm or bearings or keep the old?

Drained the oil tank and removed it. A little bit of rust, but a good blasting will take care of it.

Took out the engine. Had help from a friend (and straps) and the f**cker came out at last. We removed it with the frame standing up. I think I will try laying it on the side for the install.

Removed front tire and forks. This was easy. Forks look good, but I might have to re-spray the bottom. Triples need some love.

The only thing that is left now is removing the main stand and the kickstand.

A neighbour of mine came by and he is going help me with blasting, cutting and welding the frame and the other parts, as he has all the stuff for it at work. Major relief, budget-wise! I had set off about $800 for this and now I might be doing it all myself (with help). Now I'm just waiting for some more parts to arrive and I can start working on that. Until then I am going to start sorting all the parts and bags and containers of stuff in the garage to see what I need to replace and what I can use.

Offline marsvar

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Re: '78 CB750K - Giving K8 a makeover
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2014, 01:54:04 PM »
Picture post:

Offline marsvar

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Re: '78 CB750K - Giving K8 a makeover
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2014, 11:42:05 AM »
It's been a while, but I finally got all the stuff I ordered online. Relayed it through a friend from school who lives in Minnesota. It took a while to get that big box through customs..


-Tuffside seat + hoop + hardware
-Handlebars (black tracker bars) + grips
-Master Cylinder with brake lever (black)
-Engine gasket kit
-Carb gasket kit
-Rear shocks
-Throttle with push/pull-wires
-Turn signals
-Headlight mounts
-Wheel bearings (rear + front)

Getting the rear hoop allowed me to go forward with modifying the frame. Had a friend that works at a place that fixes up old engines and engine parts and we spent a day fixing a few things.

First, we put the parts that was going to be worked on through a large industrial parts washer.

Then, we glass blasted the rear swingarm and the oil tank, and primed them.

After that we cut off the rear part of the frame, the main stand mounts and the original seat mounts and welded on the new rear hoop. The hoop had to be cut and put together to fit. I forgot to take pictures of this, unfortunately.

This is from the test-fitting before we welded on the new hoop.

Dropped the frame off to be sandblasted last week, as it did not fit the box we did the oil tank and swingarm. Looking forward to getting it back. Ordered a brake light/license/turn signal-bracket off CognitoMoto and some stuff from hondapartshouse the other day. When I get the frame back I need to test-mount some stuff before welding on the mounts for the bracket.

I found out that my grease-plug on the rear swingarm was busted, which has caused the stock plastic bushings to dry up as &%!". Spent half an hour with a knife and got about a square inch of them out. I think I am going to drill them out.

Next up: Engine cleaning and paint removal while I wait for more parts.