My idea in using a flat upper tree was to allow the use of either clip-ons or separate handle bar mounting clamps, similar to what BMW used to use on their R series bikes. I was hoping that if the inner fork tubes protruded above the top triple tree that I could use clip-ons above the tree, similar to how the BMW k1200rs is set up.
What I noticed was that the stock upper tree is made so that the steering stem bore is ~2cm higher than the level of the fork tube clamps. I'm assuming this is due to the stem height. If I make a flat clamp, I'm concerned that the fork tubes won't protrude above the upper tree, or the stem will protrude too much above the tree. I'm going to mock up my front end and see what's what before I go any further. I have been speaking with Bill Hansen at Has anyone here ever dealt with him?