Ok, slower this time.
Threads on the oil tank are right hand and Japanese thread standard which is to certain extent related to British thread standard. I would recommend to get a book from technical library and study a bit.
I like specific facts. For instance the fittings are metric.
The size is ......?? They are 17mm and 1.25 threads or 1.50 threads etc.,.
Specific facts. IJS or ISO threads? See what I need?
You do not say how the threads are related to british standards.
And I do not need to know. Whitworth #1 or #2, I do not care.
Lucky is it IJS or JIS??I don't know I just want to be SPECIFIC
Well if ISO is (international Standards Organization)
Then IJS is (International Japanese Standard)
Not sure. I forget now. Japanese International Standard sounds good too.
Hold on I found it again...
When the first Hondas were imported to the United states the fine thread carburator screws
were IJS(not to be confused with raised dot JIS screws and tools 1985) until 1964-65 and what happened was that the threads were changed to the ISO style and were not marked.
Then people in the US started mixing these screws up and fuel leaked out of some carbs and caused fires.
So from then on all carb screws on all Japanese motorcycles and cars have the punch mark on the screw to identify that screw as a ISO thread screw. Go look at your bike.
Almost none of the IJS screws exist anymore except on very old motorcycles.