All of those pale into insignificance though compared to the prelude of a Supermarine Spitfire flying low overhead and out to sea as an entree to the best sound I ever did hear, an Avro Lancaster Bomber, banking hard at the top of the Derwent Valley to begin a low level simulated bomb run on the derwent reservoir in the Peak District in England. On a hot summers day, in the peace of a beautiful National Park. The Lancaster made everyone stop, watch, listen, every man woman and child
I was living in South Wales when that Lanc was at St Athan, the sound of 4 Merlins is F*** Awesome, (I think they re-built it there?)
I still wouldn't want to be closer than 1000ft when it fires up though (at least not without some serious ear protection)
I was at (I think?) Donnington when they had the Spitfire/Messerschmidt 'Battle of Britain' reenactment.
Some engines just sound great others are just annoying, some are plain scary- fully armed Harrier jump jet, full throttle testing at about 50ft, when it points at you 'looking' for targets ....................................... (I was a civilian just working there)
I think around 1985~86, TUV in Germany proposed new noise levels, BMW boxer (R Series) couldn't pass 50Km/hr noise test--------WITH A 'DEAD' ENGINE - too much wind noise

I don't think it was introduced? BMW did re-design the engine