Please quote your source for these numbers, as I believe they are contrived and made up to forward anti-gun sentiment.
Blah blah blah
You would just try discredit the source, {as you have always done}
Of course. It is always quite easy to do, as the selected anti-gun sources are so typically unreliable and often contrived.
This was plastered all over our news recently, you do the search....
...And who runs your news outlets? Speaking of blah blah.
Your decrease is still far above the gun related death rates of most, if not all other Western nations, look that up, its nearly as bad as your incarceration rates. You continue to compare the US to the US, fairly safe argument method.
As usual, you missed the point. If crime was truly linked to gun availability, it would increase with gun population increases. It doesn't. And it never has. So, either the reverse is true, or the data points aren't linked in any way at all to crime. Therefore, gun availability does not cause crime, cultures do.
I was once very anti-gun. Then I found out all the lies I'd been fed and what was really going on. I learned about guns and how they are simply just another tool. Powerful yes, but just a tool. Some never allow themselves to see the actual truth of the matter. That makes me sad.
The USA is seen as Gun mad and shoot first and ask questions later to the rest of the world, and that isn't my opinion, it is wide spread, you can look that up as well....
And which government run media has convinced you of that? Would that be the same one that took away your guns for your own good?
I suspect you've never even heard of Gary Kleck in your media outlets.
Every 13 seconds an American gun owner uses a firearm in defense against a criminal. You haven't heard about this because it doesn't fit into your predispositioned agenda.
Anyway, smaller population densities lead to more cooperative and less stressful people. AU doesn't have anywhere near the population density as the US. Making comparisons, country based, has no fundamental merit, and is seriously disingenuous, perhaps even deluded. Our society isn't like yours, and you will find out as your population grows and competition for resources becomes more intense. People get nasty when they can't get what they want, and even nastier when they can't get what they need. Then, the guy with the biggest club will make you his #$%*, and all your government will do is wander out and fill out a report form about it, eventually. The smart ones will either bed down closely with government officials, or find effective tools to protect themselves (illegally, of course), and take their chances between the two evils.
Study basic animal behavior. Humans are no different in behavior, no matter where on earth they are. I will admit, our American family values have deteriorated since the 50's. That is about when our population density was about the same a present day AU. As your government takes more control over your personal life, your quality of life will also diminish as well as your remaining freedoms. I've lived through part of this transformation. And, it is not pretty. It will get worse until something reduces the population density.