Yeh I'm really am curious why is it a Left thing I would have thought that it's usefull thing I mean if you are IN and hurt or wounded they fix you and yes they send you back to it, but they fix you because they want you to go back and be better than the villians right, so how is that different from wanting your citizenry to healthy mentally and physically be able to compete with the rest of the world, to be well educated and be well. Why has that to do with Nanny State or Left wing any thing, mind you I think if your'e going to have a fighting force every one should be available for it men, women, politicians, rich, poor, lawyers, dentists, doctors, scientists, you get the picture. I guess the lefties, righties haven't figured out yet, that if your nation is strong and healthy you can compete better with the ROW. I also think that guns don't make you more able to compete, but brights, do no slam against any country mine is just as bad.
Bill the demon.