Author Topic: Poodle  (Read 1262 times)

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Offline Dusthawk

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« on: June 21, 2006, 08:08:14 PM »
One day, a little old man hesitantly walks into a bar filled with big biker types. He walks up to the biggest, hairiest, loudest biker of them all and timidly asks "Pardon me sir, but do you have a large black dog out front chained to a motorcycle?"

The big burly biker looked down at the little man witha smirk and said, "Yeah, little buddy, thats my Rot out there!"

The little old man cringed at this and even more timidly said, "Well, I really hate to tell you this sir, but my dog killed your dog."

"WHAT??? What do you mean killed my Dog? What the HELL kind of dog does a little pipsqueek like you have that can kill a full grown meaner than spit Rotwieler?" The Biker hollered at the top of his lungs.

Well, the bar got real quiet at this as the little old man seemed to shrink in upon himself as he said, "My dog, Prince Gallant, was a miniature poodle sir."

Before he could continue the entire bar inhaled in surprise at this and the Burly biker shouted them down saying, " Just what the hell do you mean you got a poodle than kills rotwielers?"

The little old man shook his head quickly and said, "Oh, no, sir, you see, your dog choked on mine when he ate him."
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Re: Poodle
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 08:27:28 PM »
Well that little poodle never gave up did he!