I'm new here, but actually just bought my bike out of new mexico(I live on Oahu) and I'm having it shipped with Pasha. They're one the more highly recommended shippers and my neighbor uses them 2-3 every year to ship his harley up to the mainland to attend sturgis and other camping trips.
That being said, I'm not happy with their service at all. I contracted them out to pick the bike up from the sellers house in NM and handle the shipping all the way here. They showed up a day later than the 5 day window that they gave the seller for pick up, and ended up taking 9 days to move the bike from NM to san diego, which then caused my bike to miss it's ship. They then rescheduled it for the next ship heading out this way and that ship his since been delayed by a week and a half. The rep assigned to me has been far from informative as to the reasons behind the messed up schedule and isn't the least bit apologetic about it. The bike should have arrived here on the 19th of july, but its now looking at a potential arrival of the 9th of august. I paid for everything upfront($1600!) and it was set up on june 14th. That makes it nearly two months from payment to delivery. Not happy at all.
I'm not sure if I've just caught some severely bad luck, or what. But based on my experience so far, I wouldn't use them again.