I suppose it was laziness, or perhaps a guarantee that they would be clean. I didn't want to have to pull the carbs 3 time due to the press-in jets, and I was going to have to pull them anyway to really clean them. I figured, why not? The money seemed worth it to avoid headaches, and I had to buy new mains anyway. I figured I might as well buy both. Especially with these press in jets, they seem to be pretty rare. I figured I'd start from 'new' new and (hopefully) not have to worry about it for a long time to come.
I'm also trying to get my bike as close to stock running condition as I can before I start changing things. I have no experience with these CB's other than my own, so I'd never know if my bike were way-off-spec after modifications. I figure I'll get it running well, and well tuned, before I make any major changes. At least then I'll have a solid baseline?