That is a big red flag!!!
Do not go any farther. It will not get better.
This is for lucky
I think it depends on who the seller is and the reputation of the sellers. What is it about Pete that you know of that makes you say this? The OP said he emailed Pete four times this could have been over a 2 hour period I doubt that but you lucky don't know that. The OP was on the 25th and the order was four days before so there was a week end involved do the math lucky. Order placed on Fri. or Sat. take out the week end and in TWO days the OP is freaking out and you lucky thank that is normal and a BIG RED FLAG. I would hate to see something really go bad around you. Are you the guy that goes to the hospital for a hang nail.
From lucky If it is an IBM PC it could have died. So are Macs made out of parts that can not die?
I do not "know" Pete at Pamco.
A "red flag" means something in life where someone says something or does something that is inappropriate behavior. EXAMPLE:
When you give someone $over $100. I think there should be an acknowledgement of some kind. Automated etc.,.
Sometimes the problem is a person is not budgeting their time very well.
For instance if I ran a business I would spend a certain amount of time,(one hour) in the morning with emails.
Then go to work.
Then in the evening do some more emails or phone calls at the end of each day.
Communication with your customers is VERY important especially with the internet. Word gets out fast.
Also to save time you could have a blurb ON YOUR WEBPAGE that says "Your order will take 3 days to process and to recieve confirmation." That gives you more time, and then the customer knows their order IS being processed.
There just needs to be a little more organization now that his business has a good product.
Also when you have to send out the same info time after time you can type up the info..keep it in a folder and just copy and paste into your emails to the customer thereby saving time.
It is all about budgeting your time.
When I was working on my BFA degree one of the students told the professor,"There is no way we (students) can do all that you ask, and every teacher of every class is asking for too much."
Response- (Professor), " We know you cannot do it all to perfection, but what we
teachers want to do is to teach you to budget your time well and set priorities.
If you want A's in math then take a B in english if you really love math."
Spend you time on what is important to you. That does not make you a bad person.