Found this in my workshop on Monday.
I put it into use the day before...
It was a "Woods" brand, inexpensive and common.
Long story short, I had previously mentioned that I had some electrical issues in the shop while I was out of town over the 4th.
Anyway, after saying many thanks to the gods for not allowing my shop to burn down I determined the true source of the problem.
The neutral line from the house was loose and periodically letting 240 to go through the outlets!
Checking out the service I discovered it's aluminum wire so I'm going to replace the whole run with copper.
Fortunately it's only about 40 feet so it's only ~$150 worth of wire or so.
While doing a little googling I came across this page:"Your surge suppressor can burn down your house!"
Pretty scary stuff. I never had a surge suppressor fail like this before now.
I feel pretty lucky I got out with only losing the cordless drill charger, the stereo, and a couple of surge suppressors!