My 78 CB750K started smoking on startup. It will only get worse. I pulled the engine, removed the valve cover, cam, rockers, and cam cradles. Replaced the "coin" (6) seals under the cradles (over the head nut pockets) for good measure and replaced the valve seals (cheap). The old valve seals were baked so hard that they shattered when I tried to remove them. There is no "reconditioning" for these tiny seals that old. Started taking things apart on a Friday afternoon and I was riding (smoke-free) by Sunday afternoon. All you need is:
*Valve cover gasket
*Head nut pocket seals under the cam cradles (6)
*Valve seals (
*Blue locktite (minimum) to bolt the cam sprocket back on the cam
*New o-rings for the tappet covers would be nice
*Some want-to (hardest part)
Tip: It's so much easier to adjust the valves while the valve cover is off, so be sure to adjust the valves BEFORE bolting the valve cover back on. I've got about 10,000 smoke-free miles so far since replacing the seals. The engine is closing in on 60,000, and this is the furthest I've had to go in so far.