At the risk of becoming very unpopular, I would like to introduce this idea; The greatest thing about being an American is freedom. If you don't like a t.v. show, you are free to not watch. If you would like to have a 24 hour channel dedicated to fat old guys arguing the attributes of k3 vs. k8, you are free to invest your hard earned pennies in the electronics , studio space and licensing agreements required to start your own t.v. network. Hell, you are even free to gather in dark and crusty little corners of cyberspace to whine and cry about the dirth of programming dedicated to your narrowly defined idea of what constitutes entertainment. But, as with all fundamental truths there is a counterpoint; all rights have a responsibility attached. If you want people who are driven by nothing but money (and that is what t.v. people are) to generate programming that you will respond to, you have to buy the products or services advertised by the shows sponsors. So.. did you? Or did you sit on your ass and expect that people should work hard to entertain you for nothing other than a warm fuzzy feeling? Personally, I stopped watching all those "cycle" shows a long time ago, preferring to ride, wrench or rant. And, while I am infinitely grateful for this site, I have noticed that the tone of postings tends to be self- aggrandising and highly negative towards all aspects of the outside world, and even towards each other. We all know what's wrong, but do any of us do anything meaningful to change it? Just a thought. May the road rise with you.