Welp, over the last 2 months the ish hit the fan, ole lady broke her back practicing for a upcoming race at 408MX with OTHG. Lost a renter to marriage(he got a sweet house out of the deal, all good for him), and had to take leave off work to care for my lady. With no income, started selling off cars, bikes, and trucks to make sure we didn't get in the red. This also put the hurt on my reputation from eBay to many forums.

Well, things are now getting better, gotta right a few obligations I committed to prior in hopes of restoring my name. What does this have to do with the projects forum? My lil ole K1 that's been on the back burner got some attention! With Ally on some heavy meds she spent a lot of time asleep after she finally came home. Outfitted the house with a intercom system, and while she slept I started opening boxes and migrating parts to their new home. She won't be cafe, nor a resto, just a sweet CB750 I'll be riding daily. All wiring new, superbike bars drilled for switches, and a few K0 bits bolted up for fun. Everything needs to be repainted as I bought all the K0 stuff as a lot for $50 from a guy who inherited it and promptly dumped everything on his front lawn in hopes of getting it all recycled ASAP. Anyways, on to the pics!
ally's shattered T12

Ally in practice

Rhonda as she sits now

With Carpys pipe borrowed before I put the Kerker on

So that's where she is at now. Coming soon, need to get new foam and cover for the K0 ducktail seat, ordered new tires today, and finish the side covers so the new jewels and script fit properly. When that's accomplished the tank, side covers, air box, and headlight bucket will be re shot at the same time, same metallic blue with light purple pearl over gold K1 stripes. Then build up the correct K1 cases I have sitting on the shelf with big bore and mega cycle cam.