What really pisses me off is the "Me" generation of folks who by virtue of their birth year, have had a cushy time of their lives. Generalizing of course......This generation of people who are now close to retirement or retired has lived during a time where all they needed to do was show up for work and they made decent money. They were LUCKY, not clever or hard-working. Furthermore, they bought houses in the 60's and 70's for around 1 years salary.....Now selling for a huge profit where folks in my generation need to spend 3-4 yrs salary to buy the same house....
On top of hitting us with a financial juggernaut (spell checked that one), they are the same generation who insists on beefing up the EPA (killing jobs) and the same folks who insist we raise our kids differently than they raised us. Of course Mom has to work now to afford the house, so daycares are exploding.....There were no day cares when I was a kid! - OK, I'm done....guess I am just a whiner
Sounds like someone has poopoo diapers. ![Grin ;D](http://forums.sohc4.net/Smileys/default/grin.gif)
Yeah you had it bad......at the same age as when you were wearing big hair and spandex many in the "me generation" were facing a military draft or already over in Vietnam (except for Mitt he was in France). Don't know what your beef with the EPA is. Of course you are to young to remember smog covered cities, dead Lake Erie, polluted rivers catching fire, sewage and chemicals being dumped directly into our waterways, litter strewn highways, DDT and lead all over the environment, Love Canal, etc, etc. You can thank the Me Generation for the clean air you breath and the clean water you drink and play in.
This member of that generation payed 2.5 times my salary for my house 30 years ago. Looking even further back my parents payed a similar percentage. Maybe you need to look at the economic policies of the country over the last 30 years to see if that is the real problem and not some old retiring ex hippies. ![Grin ;D](http://forums.sohc4.net/Smileys/default/grin.gif)
Actually, I consider myself to be VERY lucky. I am not "whining" about my own situation. That is the point I am trying to make. You fall into some good job or whatever, dont act like you deserve it just because.... Post WWII build up in this country guaranteed success for pretty much anyone.
I look around and see these cities just going down big time. There are some real issues out there and when I think about where it started, it appears that a lot of the issues started when mothers left the houses in masse around the early 70's. Flash forward - now every mortgage company expects the wife to have an income. Houses are priced accordingly. Now, the mom HAS to work to achieve what families accomplished with one income after WWII.
This feeds directly into the "we have to get back to family values" talk and all the daycares, latch key kids and discontinuity of families.
Now there it is common for the kids to be raised by daycare, etc.....Obvious issues with that in my opinion. I am not at all against mom's working, but they shouldnt have to work to achieve what was achievable back in the day on 1 income.
You guys who were facing the draft in Vietnam were the first wave of the generation who was not going to live like the post WWII crowd.
Never had spandex. No big hair. Busted my hump and had to earn everything I got. Served in GWI (Gulf War I) without being drafted.
Thanks for the clean air. Seriously....I just think it went too far and ended up killing jobs.
I do recall many folks back in the 70's buying houses for 15-20K in western PA. These guys were making 25K-35K easily on blue collar jobs. Now look at the steel industry in the US. Guess the unions are to blame??? Probably somewhat along with heavy EPA regs.