Every morning at about 5:30am on the radio, we get a police report about what the cops had to deal with throughout the previous evening.
Anyway, the other morning, the ol' sarg was saying that they'd just busted some kids (10, 11, 12 year olds) for "Fridging"
Fridging is when these little turd burglars sneak in and pinch the beer from the outside beer fridge, then go and get a belly full of juice, pinch a few cars and then torch 'em after they've been out joyriding.
The recomendation from the ol' sarg was to padlock/bullet proof the beer fridge so that these little mongrols can't steal your beer.
I thought to myself that I'm doing that so I went to the garden centre and bought a 5ft bamboo pole.
The rules are that if I catch these fridgers in my beer fridge, fridging, we'll be having a little talky with the bamboo pole and that's gonna piss 'em off.
Just like the old days.