Dentures in general piss me off. It's my own fault my teeth deteriorated the way they did and dentures became my only alternative but that's beside the point. I decided to spend the extra money and have implants put in to help secure the lower denture but during the healing process, my body's immune system rejected the implants and they had to come out yesterday ..... and it hurt. The one on the left came out without a fuss but the one on the right had me squirming in the dentist chair and no amount of extra novocaine helped. The actual removal of both implants was quick, it was preparing my jaw for a bone graft, that's what hurt on the right and what bothered me was that nobody could explain why. For now I have to wait 4 months for everything to heal up and we'll try the implants again but my biggest concern is that if my body rejected the implants the first time then what's so different about the second pair of implants that my body wont reject those too? All I got was a vague answer from my dentist and that's not good. Fair warning to those of you who have all or at least most of your teeth, do yourself a favor and take care of them because dentures really suck