if you have any truck experience light or heavy, dont mind grease and dust and like the look of the gold coast i might be able to convince my boss to try you out driving a garbage dumpster/skip bin truck?the new guy we have now isnt cutting it,over the two way regularly about 10:am"how many more jobs have i got to do ive got a headache?"then it was"how many more jobs have i got to do ive got a toothache?"then it was"how many more jobs have i got to do the anti biotics for my septic tooth are making me feel sick?"then it was he stepped on a nail,then it was he banged his finger,i got on the radio and asked how many more jobs for me as my gold fish is drowning and i have to go home,weve got bets on what its going to be on monday,,i picked he will have an ear ache,thats what pisses me off,,#$%*s who wont work,hes #$%*ing 46,its a good easy job the truck does all the work,,it must be easy ive been there for ten years now!