Okay I need to rant, I hate those #$%*s that reply to your ad on Kijiji or Craig's ad, asking if the item is still for sale or available. You reply "Yes" and then you never hear another word from them.... I mean are they the ad cops, or are they lonely and need to feel wanted. Then there are those that reply to your ad with "What's your bottom price?", you reply with a number slightly above zero and you never hear from them again either. I guess they were looking for the more expensive FREE #$%*!
I was raised to converse politely. If someone asks a question you provide them with a polite response and wait for their reply or acknowledgement of your response, such as "Okay thanks for the reply let me think on it." or "A little more than I wanted to spend, thanks for the response." But today it's just you reply and there is nothing in return... no, thank you, no, are you kidding, damn I wished it was sold, or hahahahaha.
What's the matter with people these days?